Tuesday, March 13, 2012

3 New Things

1. We got a cat! A couple from church were looking for a loving home where this cat could have a lot of attention and that is exactly what he is getting. Choosing a name for this guy wasn't too hard. Andy wanted to go with a wizard name so we googled 'wizard names'. I choose Merlin (it was either that or Saraman.)

At first, I wasn't too keen on getting a cat but this guy has worked his way into my heart. I would have never called myself a cat person (and still wouldn't) but I do really like this guy. He is very friendly and loves to be around people.

2.Cupcakes! The more I get to know Andy, the more I learn about myself. At our resort in Mexico there was a dessert buffet every night. I knew that I always enjoyed dessert but Andy has pointed out how intense this this passion for sweets really is. I would load up a plate from the dessert buffet before the dinner buffet...every single night!

One night last week, I was board so I decided to bake. I am not a big cupcake fan because the frosting always seems way too sweet. I found a recipe for pound cake cupcakes. These things are delicious! I then frosted them with whipped cream frosting that was amazing. Not too sweet but just made these cupcakes great. I knew these were a winner when Andy sent me a text that said, "Babe. Your cupcakes are the best I have ever had!" A big complement from a non cake, non dessert lover.

This same night I also made cream cheese filled chocolate cupcakes that were equally as delicious.

You might be worried that we ate all of these but not to worry,  took them to a worship night at our church.

3. St. Patrick's Day! In honor of the great Irish holiday I made corned beef, cabbage, carrots and potatoes for date night this week. It is actually a fairly easy meal to make as long as you have a big pot to boil everything in.
I think this has been Andy's favorite meal that I have made since we've been married. Speaking of being married, it's been 2 months since we tied the knot! We are definitely learning a lot and figuring out this married thing together!