You know, God was pretty stinkin' creative. In reading Genesis 1 & 2 today, that became pretty evident. He worked hard and was very thoughtful in His design. There were two major things that popped out to me:
1.) Even though I have read this passage before and seen it taught in Sunday School since I was small, I found it refreshing to read again. Resting. God created and worked hard but then he also took a day to rest. For the past few months I feel like I have been going non stop. I go to school 5 days a week, on the weekends I am pouring a lot of time into church, occasionally I have church meetings during the week, then there is work that I have to fit in somewhere. I just feel tired. My 7 days of the week are pretty full, now I am not creating the world but I am also not taking a day out to just rest either. So, I shall create time for rest.
2.) In Genesis 1, there is a chunk that talks about the stars and the moon. When you think about all the things that God created, animals, trees, the ocean, people; those things can all be captured in pictures. Not so with stars, well at least not very well. It is ones memory that captures their true essence. Looking at the stars in one of my favorite things to do. It is something in life that I really love to do. (Not just love like,"Oh, I love this taco," but I actually have a passionate love for star gazing.) In August, I love watching the meteor showers. My best summer memory was laying out in a field late one night watching the stars fall from heaven with my best friend. We talked about everything and dreamed about where life will take us. I think stars have that affect on people, the affect that causes you to reminisce and dream. God really was creative when he dreamed up the world.
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