Wednesday, January 12, 2011

College Life

You know you are a college student when:

~8am seems so much earlier than it did in high school-(I used to be the happy cheery voice that woke up my high school over the morning announcements at 8:05am, now at that time I am not sure if I am still dreaming while I sit in my class or if I was stupid enough to actually sign up for an 8am class.)

~You drink 3+ cups of coffee a day-(Up until about six months ago, I hated coffee. Now I can not imagine my day without it. I can even tell a good cup from a bad cup of coffee. In fact, I like it soo much I got a coffee grinder and 10 lbs. of coffee beans for Christmas.)

~You feel more awake at 1am then you do at 6pm-(College has really messed with my sleeping patterns and I don't like it.)

~You pay more than you ever thought was possible for a book that you only have to read 2 chapters out of. (True story: I paid $110 for a business book that I only had to read 2 chapters out of  and look up definitions I could have just googled.)

All joking aside, I love college. I especially love this term of classes. Writing, Hip Hop (yes, like the dance), Philosophy, Economics and Music Appreciation are pretty tight. They make me feel so 'artsy' and 'educated'. I feel very blessed to be where I am at, living with the people I live with, and serving an amazing God.

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