Thursday, January 6, 2011

Life, Death and Everything In Between

Why is it that it takes a tragedy to bring people together? To make us realize how important life really is? To make us realize who is important? To remind of how short life is?  Why is it that it takes a death for people to honor someone? To let them know how much of a difference they made?

In my life, I have not ever lost anyone close to me. No friend, teacher or family member. My great grandma died when I was in 8th grade but other than that, the loss of a loved one is something that I have never had to deal with. On the contrary, my closest friend has had many close family members die. She knows what it is like to have a tragedy hit very close to home. Yesterday her second cousin, who is a police officer, was shot and killed. They were technically cousins but he was more like her uncle. He was someone who she has fond memories of and has shared those with me throughout our friendship.

She got the phone call yesterday. I can't imagine the feeling. I don't know how that feels. I don't know what it is like to see my uncle splashed all over the evening news.  I can't honestly even try to know what it feels like.

This is what she posted to her Facebook last night:
"Sometimes it takes a tragedy to really bring people together..I don't know what God is thinking right now but I know He's got people thinking about how precious our life is and what's important in life." 
~Rachael Christophersen

Here is what I do know: We serve an amazing God. We live a world where evil things happen to great people. Through every circumstance we are called to worship our living creator and God. It may be the hardest thing we do but it matters that we do it.

My prayer is that all who are affected by the death of Rainier Police Chief Ralph Painter will be comforted and know that there was a lot of love and appreciation for him in this world. He is now in a better place. 

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